Do You Know What Top IT Talent Wants?

If you don’t, you’re going to have an awfully hard time recruiting them. And don’t just conclude salary and benefits are at the top of the list. Top talent will be well compensated wherever they go, which is why they are looking for more from the company they ultimately choose. Here are a few unexpected perks you can offer to bring more of the best and brightest into your orbit:

No-Deductible Health Insurance

Knowing that all your medical bills are covered no matter what, provides a powerful sense of security; in an era when health insurance costs are inflating exponentially, this is an especially generous offer that sets you apart from the competition.

Flexible Schedules

Top talent want to maintain a better balance between work and life. They also realize they don’t necessarily do their best work between nine and five. Giving them more freedom to work when they want, and where they want, shows that you respect their professionals credentials and trust them to do great work without being micromanaged.

Reliable Child Care

Juggling kids and professional obligations is a major and ongoing source of stress. Top talent may be willing to give up other perks if they can easily access reliable primary and backup child care whenever they need it.

Free Lunch

Everyone likes free food, and you have to eat every workday. Offering a top candidate free lunches in the employee cafeteria, or even a weekly stipend to buy lunch wherever they choose can be a surprisingly exciting perk.

Health and Wellness Initiatives

Top talent is particularly susceptible to the health problems that come from being overworked and constantly stressed – making health and wellness initiatives available signals to these candidates that you care about them as people, not just employees. Consider offering free gym memberships, running yoga classes at lunch, or making it easy for cyclists to ride to and from work.

Extra Vacation Time

Allowing top performers to spend extra time away from work is both an appealing perk, and a cost-effective way to bolster your compensation package. Remember that your top talent makes an extra contribution, so if they spend some extra time away from the office, you haven’t really compromised anything.

Are you ready to connect with more of the top talent on the market right now? Work with the IT staffing strategists at Culture Fit.