Hiring managers and HR professionals are realizing that organizational fit has been undervalued in importance level during the interview process. While technical expertise and skill sets are extremely important in the hiring process, the cultural fit of that candidate is often overlooked and is the final piece to making the right selection the first time.
At CultureFit® Technology Staffing, we pride ourselves on rigorously evaluating the Client’s corporate culture and understanding what “type” of talent they are pursuing. We take the following into account when sourcing our talent:
- Technical skills and expertise
- Language and communication
- Personal work style and pace
- Interpersonal dynamics
- Physical work environment
- Leadership and management styles
- Start-up vs. enterprise environment
- Organization and department size
- Technology product vs. technology services organization
- Reporting Structure
- Corporate values & pride
- Work and life balance
We believe that delivering the right organizational fit complements the individual’s knowledge and skill base. We find high-quality talent that demonstrates the ability to develop and grow with the organization’s changing needs, and possesses the underlying values and motivations that are difficult to change.
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Discover Your Organization’s DNA to Attract and Retain Tech Talent
Download our free eBook on what organizational DNA is, why it matters, and how to determine your own for hiring success.
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Learn How to Tailor Your New Hire Employment Package for Recruiting Success
The workforce is changing. Now is the time to become more flexible in your benefits offerings to attract and win top talent.
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